Rabu, 30 April 2008

Tuesday, April 28, 2008 9:30 pm Ghofar ask for
permisission to use the OL report of group 1
except for the photos to make his report for

The following day, Wednesday, April
29, 2008
I wrote to luthfy "you got 2 cds from diklat 1 is about the diklat, one is from me. it contains various material in powerpoint, check it out and give me feed back. she wrote (1) I am checking the cd now, the same pictures in most files. then I wrote click the suplemen powerpoint.pps it will take you to Assalamualaikum click next you will have daftar isi then click the entries there are 70 items (2) what do you want to show us, it's just content list no material? I wrote (3) Sure I've already done it. just the items no explanation, no examples. I said I am about to make it better what are your suggestion be comprehensive. In case the link is protected just click read only. How are you? (4) I think it will be better if you make it completely. I am ok now typing diklat report 4 kanwil. I hope you are ok too. Amin. I wrote you can find the report in the CD 4 materi pelatihan/materi lain-lain/kajian analisis and the other file is laporan observasi lapangan kelompok 1.

Propinsi Maluku

Her name is Siti Rohana M, S.Ag. She was born in Jeneponto, on 3 Mei 1968. She teaches English at MTsN Batu Merah Ambon
Maluku. It is at Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kebun Cengkeh, Ambon Telp. 343370
She lives at Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kebun Cengkeh, Ambon. Her handphone number is 081343311755

Fariha K. Yusuf, S.Pd.
Limboto, 9 Oktober 1977
Penata Muda Tk. I - III/b
Guru Madya Tk. I
MTsN Telaga Biru Kab. Gorontalo
Pend Bhs & Seni/B. Inggris
Jl. Raya Limboto Km. 11 Desa Ulapato Kec. Telaga Biru Kab. Gorontalo Telp. 0435-882411
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 65 Kel. Bolih Nangga Kec. Limboto Kab. Gorontalo Telp. 0435-881310 HP. 085256194252

Drs. Idris
Kolaka, 3 Juni 1966
Pembina - IV/a
Guru Pembina
MTsN Lasusua Kab. Kolaka Utara
Tarbiyah/Tadris B. Inggris
Kel. Lasusua Kab. Kolaka Utara
Kel. Lasusua Kab. Kolaka Utara

Farida, S.Pd.
Bobo, 10 Februari 1971
Penata Tk. I - III/d
Guru Dewasa Tk. I
MTsN Palu Barat
FKIP/B. Inggris
Jl. Labu No. 28 B Palu Barat
Jl. Malonda No. 104 Silae HP. 081354435563

Dra. Sulaeha
Pattallassang, 24 April 1966
Pembina - IV/a
Guru Pembina
MTsN Binanga Kab. Mamuju
Tarbiyah/Tadris B. Inggris
Jl. Diponegoro No. 3 Mamuju
BTN Simboro Permai Mamuju HP. 081543182212

Dra. Nirmala, S.Ag.
Cenrana, 4 Nopember 1970
Penata Muda - III/a
Guru Madya
MTsN Watampone Kab. Bone
Tarbiyah/Tadris B. Inggris
Jl. Letjend. Sukawati Watampone Telp. 0481-21139
BTN Alda Persada Jl. Sungai Mahakam Watampone HP. 085242166447

Yully Dwi Astuti, S.Pd.
Balikpapan, 16 Juli 1973
Penata Muda Tk. I - III/b
Guru Madya Tk. I
MTsN 1 Model Palangkaraya
FKIP/B. Inggris
Jl. AIS Nasution No. 3 Palangkaraya Telp. 0536-3222865
Jl. Pilau No. 69 Palangkaraya HP. 081349114xxx

Drs. Moh. Makinuddin
Kebumen, 16 Nopember 1962
Pembina - IV/a
Guru Pembina
MTsN 2 Model Kota Pontianak
Tarbiyah/Tadris B. Inggris
Jl. M. Yamin Pontianak Telp. 0561-737043
Jl. Karya Komp. Ari Karya Indah II B-7 Pontianak HP. 08125665364

Syaifullah, M.Pd.
Banjar, 5 April 1968
Penata Muda - III/a
Widyaiswara Pertama
Balai Diklat Keagamaan Banjarmasin
S1 S2
FKIP/B. Inggris FKIP/Pend. Bhs. Inggris
Jl. A. Yani Km. 22 Landasan Ulin Banjarbaru Telp. 0511-4705071
Jl. A. Yani Km. 22,5 Komp. Citra Mandiri Permai Blok C No. 12 Landasan Ulin, Banjarbaru HP. 081351800666

Luthfiyyah, S.S.
Jombang, 29 Maret 1967
Penata Tk. I - III/d
Guru Dewasa Tk. I
MTsN Balikpapan
Sastra/Sastra Inggris
Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 19 Balikpapan Telp. 0542-424589
Jl. Mayjend. Sutoyo No. 52 B Balikpapan Telp. 0542-412064 HP. 08125858211

Tri Takarina Dwi Putranti, S.Pd.
Yogyakarta, 19 Desember 1965
Penata - III/c
Guru Dewasa
MTsN Model Kuripan Kab. Lombok Barat
Pend. & Bhs./ Pend. Bhs. Inggris
Jl. Tgh. Abdul Hafiz Kuripan, Lombok Barat Telp. 0370-6613570
BTN Kopajali Gg. III/17 Mapak, Mataram 83115 HP. 081803767090

Ghofar Ismail, S.Pd.
Banyuwangi, 7 April 1975
Penata Muda Tk. I - III/b
Guru Madya Tk. I
MTsN Amlapura Kab. Karangasem
FKIP/B. Inggris
Jl. G. Agung 1014 Amlapura, Karangasem, Bali Telp. 0363-21306
BTN Kecicang Asri B 25 Bungaya Kangin, Bebandem, Karangasem, Bali HP. 085238478051

Jember, 24 April 1967
Penata Tk. I - III/d
Guru Dewasa Tk. I
MTsN Kencong Kab. Jember
Tarbiyah/Tadris B. Inggris
Jl. RA. Kartini 58 Wonorejo, Kencong, Jember
Jl. Sultan Agung No. 06 RT. 02 RW. 04 Gumukmas, Jember Telp. 0336-321889

Moh. Solikhin, S.Pd.
Jember, 4 Juli 1964
Penata Tk. I - III/d
Guru Dewasa Tk. I
MTsN Jember III
FKIP/B. Inggris
Jl. Argopuro 05 Tanggul, Jember Telp. 0336-441481
Jl. Argopuro No. 119 Tanggul, Jember HP. 085236771826

Harsoyo, S.Pd.
Sleman, 26 Pebruari 1969
Penata Tk. I - III/d
Guru Dewasa Tk. I
MTsN Ngemplak Kab. Sleman
FPBS/Pend. Bahasa Inggris
Pokoh Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman Telp. 0274-7101541
Rejosari Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman HP. 081328847054

Alistyono Pramuhadi, S.Ag.
Yogyakarta, 13 Mei 1967
Penata Tk. I - III/d
Guru Dewasa Tk. I
MTsN Gubukrubuh Kab. Gunungkidul
Tarbiyah/Tadris B. Inggris
Gubukrubuh, Getas, Playen, Gunungkidul Telp. 08122740683
Perumahan Griya Kunden Astini D 7-8 Jambida, Banguntapan, Bantul HP. 08122744059

Since you've been gone
Monday, April 28, 2008
I sent messages to almost all ex-participants of the training saying that I miss them a lot and whether they have special experience on the way home. Here are the replies:

Eny from kepri said, "thank you for your kindness, and good bye".

Mr. Makin Pontianak Wrote, "I am very well, Alhamdulillah I hope you are too. I miss you too.

Syaifullah Banjarmasin wrote;"Hello, I am well. Today is the first day coming to the office again. We got nice journey with Bu Luth. Ya I hope we meet again in other occasion.

Luthfy Balikpapan wrote: Hi. Thanks 4 missing me. I miss u 2. Everything is ok here, I am sorry, I could not sent your regard to yuli coz I didn't meet her. Hope you are happy and healthy there.

Zarkasy Jambi wrote: everything is ok. I am sorry. Whose number is this? Thanks a lot. (then I ask him to refer to the list of training participants)

Rini Palembang wrote: Hi, Mr.Laptop nice to read your sms again. I'm fine and I met Mr.Makin at the airport yesterday and I don't have any information from others. How about you?

Elfi Sumut wrote Sorry I am late to reply your sms. I'm in my motorcycle n I don't have important information jus say that all friends have arrived at their homes safely.

Makmun Purworejo wrote Alhamdullah everything run well. My way home was very tiring. I could not sleep in my bus. Arriving at home I attended 3 meetings By the way how about your son? (know knows that my son was shoot by toy gun on his left eye)

Bisri Mustofa Semarang wrote: Sorry, I've just opened your message. Editing our report not finished. Open the file from you it is protected. (I did it in purpose so that he will contact me).

Fariha Gorontalo wrote: sorry could you tell me your name please? I coz I don't have your number in my mobile.

Yully Palangkaraya wrote: I am teaching now. Sorry. When will we meet again?

Sudarti Bangka Belitung wrote: Hi, I am fine. I arrive at home on Saturday. I miss you too and I hope we can meet again next time. Don't forget to give my respect to your family.

Mawardi from Aceh wrote: Hi Win I miss you too. I still remember you are very active in collecting and operating the data. I am ok in my home town now wish always get in touch.

Takarina NTB wrote who is it. I want to know you before answering your question ok? Takarina NTB wrote: Ok I see you Mr. Win or no. I wet to airport with Syaiful, Bulut and Enidar. We arrived at almost the same time. at 10 pm. I am unlucky at home. my favorite orchids are stolen by thief. Now I go to school. I miss you all participants.

Ahmad Muhtadi Semarang wrote: Yah, I've got home at 3:00 am, on Sunday after my all night trip from serang. I am happy now cause I can reach my hometown semarang back safely and of course can be selamat malam aduh enake. what about you? By the way, our best regard for your family.

Fariha Gorontalo Hi! Actually I knew who u're fro ur way & I am right. I got a bad experience on my way home and I don't want to remember it. How about you.
Dedi Halim wrote Very happy receiving your sms I am fine, what about you and your family? I hope we all can do best for our future we must ok

Ali Sadikin Bengkulu wrote: Hi. Sorry for being bit late to answer you sms back. I am so happy to see my wife and son again that I can devote love and affection on them. What about you friend.

Sulaeha Sulbar wrote; Hi, too. I think just the same for you ok. Alhamudillah I have arrived in Sulbar. I am very happy because I can be together again with my family and so pleased to have a lot of experiences. I hope we can meet again. Thank you.

Bambang Pekanbaru wrote Mr. Win or no I am ok here. How is your family?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Luthfy sent me sms: I am in Ramayana suddenly I remember when we lost you in carefour. I miss you all brother.

Senin, 21 April 2008

Bisri Mustofa
Jl. Temugiring Banyumanik Semarang
Grogolpenatus RT 3/2 Petanahan Kebumen Jateng

MTsN Purworejo
Keseneng, Purworejo
Ketiwijayan, Bayan Purworejo

Ahmad Muhtadi
MTsN 02 Semarang
Jl. Citandui Raya III Mlatiharjo Semarang Timur Semarang
Jl. Sidoasih IV/58 Muktiharjo Kidul Pedurungan Semarang

Deden Ginanjar
MTsN Cililin Bandung
Jl. Raya Cililin Km 1 Kec. Cililin Bandung
Jl. Permana C3 No 61 Rt 06/06 Citeureup Kota Cimahi

Dedi Halim S.
MTsN Plered
Jl. Raya Warungkandang Plered Purwakarta
Jl. Raya Warungkandang Plered Purwakarta
0264-272654 HP. 085759112072

Basri Kamal
MTsN 6 Jakarta
Jl. Pertengahan No 3 A Cijantung Jakarta Timur
Jl. Poncil RT 14/09 No 1 ciracas Jaktim

Ahmad Dahlan
MTsN 1 Jakarta
Jl. Bangka XIB Pelamampang, Mampang Prapatan, Jaksel
Jl. Simpruk Golf II/23 Rt 11/11 Grogol Selatan

MTsN 1 Ciwandan Serang
Jl. Ir. Sutami No 1 Cimerak, Citangkil Kota Cilegon
Ling.Belungbang RT 05/02 Desa Tegal Ratu, Ciwandan, Cilegon Kab. Serang

MTsN Bandar Lampung
Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan No 28 Pahoman 0721- 251869

Perum Nusantara Permai Blok B7 No 23-24 Sukabumi, Bandar Lampung.


MTsN Pangkalpinang
Kep. Babel
Jln. Dewi Sartika No. 77 Kel.Keramat PangkalPinang

Listya Yustikarini
MTsN 1 Palembang
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Sudirman KM 3,5 Palembang
Komp polygon blok AN. 05

Ali Sadikin
MTsN 2 Kota Bengkulu
Jl. Setia Negara Kel. Kondang Kota Bengkulu
Lagan Bungin Ke TI IV Bengkulu

Ahmad Zarkasyi
MTs. Negeri Model Jambi
Jl. KH. Somad No. 8 Kel. Ulu Gedong Jambi
0741 581694 HP. 081366160325

Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jl. Rokan No 7 Padang
Jl. Siak No RT02 Padang Padang

Eny Yusmiati
MTsN Tanjung Pinang
Jl. Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang
Jl. RH. Fisabililah Gg. P.Pandan No 11 B

Bambang Sutaryo
MTsN Selatbaru Kab. Bengkalis
Jl. Beringin Selatbaru Bengkalis
Jl. Banten Senggoro, Bengkalis, Riau


Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Hallo friends. I'm Adi Afriyadi. I was born in Rangkasbitung, on 5th March 1980 (I don't know what day was it exactly). So, in this training, English Teacher Facilitator training Advance Level which held in 16th - 25th of April 2008, I was a youngest participant.

I felt so happy to know all of you.

Elfi Khairani Nasution
MTsN Lubuk Pakam Kab. Deli Serdang
Jl. Karya Agung Kompleks Pemkab Deli Serdang
Jl. Cendrawasih Perbaungan

MTsN Tungkop
Jl. Gle Iniem Tungkop Aceh Besar
Komp.Madrasah Terpadu Tungkop Aceh Besar
Pria ganteng ini dan salah seorang temannya memprakarsai pembuatan blog bagi guru madrasah tsanawiyah. Keinginan untuk membuat blog timbul dalam perjalanan pulang dari monas. Ide muncul karena setelah mereka photo bersama di depan tugu monas, hanya ada 4 orang yang menebus photo tersebut sedangkan yang lain tidak. Untuk itu dengan menayangkan photo-photo kegiatan di weblog, dapat mempererat hubungan yang telah terjalin melalui kegiatan diklat fasilitator ini. Demikian semoga berkenan selamat melihat-lihat terima kasih.

Jalan-jalan ke masjid kubah emas dan monas

Pada hari ini peserta diklat fasilitator mata pelajaran bahasa inggris berkesempatan melakukan kunjungan ke masjid kubah emas di kawasan Depok. Setelah tiba di sana mereka melangsungkan shalat isya. Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke monas. peserta kembali ke kampus pusdiklat depag pada pukul 23:00.
Meskipun mereka lelah mengikuti pelatihan sepanjang hari namun mereka bersemangan mengikuti kegiatan jalan-jalan tersebut menyegarkan.