Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

Turn it off.......

It was about 12 am. I was on the way to do the Jum'atan. There were a lot of motorcycles and cars parked a long the street on the left and right side of the street. I saw a strange thing. It was a car that was parked near the entrance gate of the Muslimin Mosque in Pahoman Bandarlampung. The car engine is on, from the glass window I can see clearly that there was no one in the car. But why did the owner let the car engine on? Did he do it in purpose?
The Jum'atan prayer spend at least 45 minutes. How much gas does the car consume in 45 minutes? I do not have any car, so I can not answer it. But I know that the car needs the fuel to work. The car release the emission gas into the air. It doesn't only consume the gas but also pollute s the air. Wow..............

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